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I came to the sanctuary looking for a friend. I'm not sure I ever really had a good friend like I did here. I came in and met Cesyli's daughters first. I really like them, but my life changed a lot when I met Walter. He passed away recently, but Walter was my best friend. I was having trouble making friends in the other places I had been. I'm not really sure why because I really love everyone I meet, but it just didn't ever feel the same as when I got to meet Walter. We would walk the pastures together. There was this one time, I thought I lost him! Can you imagine losing a donkey? lol I was munching away on the hay and silly him, wandered into a barn stall. I ran around and around looking for him, Cesyli called out for him and that funny guy just walked out of the barn like no big deal, meanwhile I was in a panic! Luckily for me, we still had a while together after that. He got sick with something and passed away at UC Davis. I was able to be with him until the end. That's the thing about being bonded- you are there for the good times and the hard times. I'm glad I met him, but it's hard sometimes. I feel like I am needing to relearn who I am.


The humans here are looking for me a new donkey friend, maybe you know someone? If not, maybe you could just sit here with me? That's my favorite right now, just being with others who can share their love. 

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